All information on the Office of Behavioral Health Licensing (OBHL) web site is provided as a service to the public, consumers,
health care professionals and other interested parties. Every effort is made to be accurate and timely in reporting information.
However, not all information may be complete and up-to-date due to the
time required to (1) process new provider openings, renewal applications and
license changes; (2) document findings of surveys and complaint investigations;
(3) process facility requests for informal dispute resolutions and appeals.
Facilities are required to complete plans of correction
to correct cited deficiencies; however, deficiencies cited prior to July 2007 will not indicate a date
corrected although an acceptable plan of correction was received. While the OBHL recognizes the importance of
viewers being able to view a facility's actions to correct deficient practices, we are unable to post the
corrective action plans on this web site at this time. These detailed plans of corrections are available for
review at each individual facility, or can be reviewed in the facility files available at the
OBHL office in Phoenix.
Links to other web sites are subject to change without notice. While reasonable precautions
are taken to provide links only to appropriate and accurate web sites maintained
by reputable organizations, these sites are not under the State of Arizona
Department of Health Services’ (AZDHS) control and AZDHS is not responsible for the
information or opinions expressed at those sites.
Neither the State of Arizona, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the State of Arizona warrants accuracy,
reliability or timeliness of any information published on this web site, nor endorses
any content, viewpoints, products, or services described in or linked from this web site,
and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability
or timeliness of such information. Any reliance on the information provided by this web site
is at the user’s own risk.
Additional explanations/definitions:
OBHL Definitions
Office of Behavioral Health Licensing
AZ Department of Health Services
150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 410
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 364-2595
(602) 364-4801 Fax