Arizona Department of Health Services

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Division of Licensing Services

Midwifery Provider Type Definitions

Midwife CPM:
A Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is a Licensed Midwife who has met the standards for certification set by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). Beginning in July 2013, a requirement for application for Initial Licensure requires documentation that the applicant is certified by NARM as a CPM. Except as provided in A.A.C. R9-16-111(C) or (D), a Midwife CPM may accept a client for a vaginal delivery after prior Cesarean section or of a fetus in a complete breech or frank breech presentation in accordance with A.A.C. R9-16-108(B).
Midwife Non-CPM:
A Licensed Midwife who has been continuously licensed as a midwife by the Department since 1999 is grandfathered in and not required to obtain CPM certification. However, they are prohibited from accepting a client for a vaginal delivery after prior Cesarean section or of a fetus in a complete breech or frank breech presentation in accordance with A.A.C. R9-16-108(B).
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2007-2023 Arizona Department of Health Services. All rights reserved. Last Modified: 04/25/2024